I believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything is a part of a greater plan made by God. What I experienced in Honduras was unlike anything I had ever done. It sounds so cliché, but it truly was an eye-opening experience. It is hard to understand just how blessed we are living in America until you go to a developing country like Honduras. It is hard to imagine what life is like without medicine, clean water, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste and so many other things until you see people living without it first-hand. It is hard to see how easy it is to be content living a simple life, until you meet people, talk to them and see what they have to be happy about. Though it has been about eight months since I have been back from Honduras, I still think about my time there constantly. I enjoyed seeing those sweet, grateful kids, who wanted nothing more than to play, sing, and learn about Jesus. Thinking about the seeds we planted by introducing them to a life with God is beyond comprehension. Something I did not expect to enjoy as much as I did, was teaching people about the love Jesus has for us. It changed the way I view being a Christian. The love and thankfulness the community we worked in was beautiful. My heart has never been so full. The closest I have ever felt to God was on this trip. The day we went to Rancho Ebenezer, it was like I meant to be there. Hearing about what the children have gone through and what their lives there were like, gave me a gut-wrenching feeling that someday I would be back. When I am back, I will be a practicing music therapist and may be able to start a program at the Ranch. Who knows for sure if that will happen, but God knows, and I trust Him. If I ever get the chance to return to Honduras, I will. I think everyone should experience giving back to a community of people that have less than they do. It is a choice that makes you grow as a person and opens your mind to a whole different world. God has a plan for all of us, and it is by His plan that I live.